
Retrieve event costs

If a specific Event Id is passed in (using the "Id" parameter), then only the costs for that event are returned. Otherwise, all costs for all events are returned.
Name Type Required? Details Description
api_key String Yes
filter_by_event_id Number No
Id of a specific event that you would like to retrieve costs for.
filter_by_event_start_date_greater_than_or_equal_to Date No
Only include costs for events that have their start date greater than or equal to the value passed in for this filter parameter. Use this date format: YYYY-MM-DD
filter_by_event_start_date_smaller_than_or_equal_to Date No
Only include costs for events that have their start date smaller than or equal to the value passed in for this filter parameter. Use this date format: YYYY-MM-DD
filter_by_event_end_date_greater_than_or_equal_to Date No
Only include costs for events that have their end date greater than or equal to the value passed in for this filter parameter. Use this date format: YYYY-MM-DD
filter_by_event_end_date_smaller_than_or_equal_to Date No
Only include costs for events that have their end date smaller than or equal to the value passed in for this filter parameter. Use this date format: YYYY-MM-DD

Retrieve Miscellaneous Annual Expense Costs

If a specific Budget Year is passed in (using the "budget_year" parameter, e.g. 2025), then only the miscellaneous annual expense costs for that budget year are returned. Otherwise, all miscellaneous annual expense costs for all budget years.
Name Type Required? Details Description
api_key String Yes
budget_year Number No
The specific budget year that you would like to retrieve miscellaneous annual expense costs for (e.g., 2025).