
This API can be used to programmatically pull data out of ExhibitDay or push data into ExhibitDay -- allowing for automation between ExhibitDay and your internal systems (or other third-party software). To use the API, you'll need working knowledge of consuming REST APIs.


An API Key is required in order to make API calls. You can obtain your API Key from your ExhibitDay account (under Workspace Settings > API & Integrations > API Access).

Methods and Parameters

There are 3 ways you can pass in the parameter(s) for a method when making an API call:
  1. Parameters In the Request Body (recommended)
    Example: Update an Event's Name (change the name of event with eventid 12345 to be "Foo Bar")
    curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"api_key\":\"YOUR_API_KEY\", \"id\":\"12345\", \"name\":\"Foo Bar\"}"
  2. Parameters In the Request Header
    Example (delete an event that has eventid of 12345):
    curl -X DELETE -H "api_key: YOUR_API_KEY" -H "id: 12345"
  3. Parameters In the Request URL (only recommended for simple api call like retrieving a task or a list of events)
    Example (get a list of events):
    curl -X GET ""
Pro-tip: you can mix-and-match where the parameters are placed in the request. For exmaple, the api_key parameter (which is a required paramter of every API method) can be placed in the request Header and all other parameters can be placed in the request Body.

Response Status Codes

Code Status Description
200 OK Indicates that the request was successfully processed.
400 Bad Request Indicates an issue with the request (i.e., missing required parameter(s) or invalid parameter values).
404 Resource Not Found The requested object was not found (e.g., an incorrect event id was passed in when retrieving an event).
429 Too Many Requests The API rate limit is a maximum of 50 calls per second.
500 Internal Server Error Indicates that an unexpected error has occured.